Users frequently contact us to ask what they are getting when they subscribe to Arabic Online. This article explains what we offer and how the courses are organised.

The first thing to mention is when you subscribe to ArabicOnlibe you are not buying one single course or product. You are entering a kind of library and you can choose the correct course for your needs, depending on your ability. In this article we will look at the Beginners to Intermediate programme.

Arabic Beginners to Intermediate Programme

This programme is suitable for those learners who 

  • have absolutely no knowledge of Arabic.
  • have started Arabic and given up.
  • have done some Arabic and would like to continue.
  • have learned randomly and would like to get more structure in their learning.

How is it possible to cover so many needs? Firstly, the courses are organised to help all learners to reach the same goal, regardless of learning background and learning experiences. But more importantly the Arabic Online courses are based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). 


The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages is the international benchmark for measuring language learning ability. It is a carefully graded system of measuring language learning achievements.  The courses in Arabic Online are organised according to the levels of the CEFR. The Beginners to Intermediate Programme covers levels A1 and A2. At these levels the focus is on communication skills in everyday situations.

Arabic Online Level A1

The courses included at this level are:

Essential Arabic

This course consists of a series of flash cards that practise simple Arabic words. You can listen to the word, read the word in transliteration and Arabic script, turn the card and learn the English translation. 

The course also explains the Arabic alphabet. There is an interactive video how to write the letters and a worksheet for practice. If you are keen to learn the alphabet, this might be a good opportunity to download the workbook A Guide to Writing Arabic, which comes with the subscription. If you don’t want to print it out, you can purchase the book directly from Foyles of London.

A final section of the course introduces the ‘root and pattern system’. An understanding of this is fundamental to learning Arabic.

Easy Arabic

This course is an ideal introduction to Arabic. It consists of a series of short lessons that introduce and practise topics such as 

  • greeting someone
  • introducing someone
  • asking someone their name
  • asking where someone comes from

First Steps Arabic

This is a short course that forms a transition from A1 to A2. It covers similar topics to Easy Arabic but in more depth.

Arabic Online Level A2

The courses at Level A2 are more structured. They also introduce Arabic script and extended modules on Arabic grammar and Arabic culture.The courses included at this level are:

Hayya Bina!

This is the main course for this level. It covers a wide range of topics such as

  • Meeting people
  • Visiting an Arab home
  • Making plans for a trip
  • Going for meals
  • Shopping and buying things

The course also contains specific lessons dedicated to formal meetings and business meetings.

Arabic Conversation Practice

This course helps you to Improve your conversational skills with these interactive role plays. Again, it covers a wide range of everyday situations which you would expect to encounter in the Arab world.

Word Trainer Arabic

This course not only helps you to improve your vocabulary but it counteracts traditional ‘rote learning’ by carefully guiding you through a comprehensive and thorough learning process to ensure that you learn and practise the sounds, pronunciation, meaning and spelling of each word correctly.

Arabic Grammar Explorer

This is an interactive grammar explaining some of the most important topics of Arabic grammar. Asc opposed to traditional grammars, whether online or in print, which ‘present’ and ‘explain’, Arabic Grammar Explorer guides you through a series of activities so that you not only understand the grammatical topic but use the language in different activities.

Support materials and downloads

In addition, when you subscribe to Arabic Online you also get access to a range of support materials and downloads. These include:

  • A Guide to Writing Arabic
  • Worksheets
  • Audio dialogues
  • Glossary
  • Study Plans

A subscription to Arabic Online not only gives access to a wide range of Arabic language learning courses that will help all kinds of learners but it offers extremely good value for money.

More details about the Beginners to Intermediate Programme can be found on our website: arabiconline,eu.


Thank you for visiting ArabicOnline.Eu. Our award winning interactive courses of Modern Standard Arabic have been developed for anyone with a genuine interest in Arabic, whether for private, educational or professional reasons and are specially designed for self-study. Our website and our language courses are free from advertisements and we don't share any personal details of our visitors or registered members with third parties. Nor do we sell data for targeted advertising. We believe passionately that learning should be free from commercial distractions. For this reason we rely on subscriptions to fund the development of our products. Click here to find out more about our Beginner to Intermediate Arabic courses.
