The pattern that we looked at in the previous slide is very helpful for some frequently used sentences. Complete the Arabic sentences.

hal al-maHall ___________ ?
Is the shop open?

ana ___________.
I am busy. (said by a woman)

hal at-tuualit ___________ ?
Is the toilet engaged?

at-tadkheen ___________.
No smoking here. / Smoking is forbidden.

hal at-taSweer ___________ ?
Are photos allowed? (Is taking photos allowed?)

hal at-tadkheen ___________ ?
Is smoking allowed?

hal ad-dukhuul ___________ ?
May I enter? (Is it allowed to enter?)


maftuuH    mashghuula mashghuul mamnuu3 masmuuH masmuuH masmuuH


hal al-maHall maftuuH?

ana mashghuul. / ana mashghuula.

hal at-tuualit mashghuul?

at-tadkheen mamnuu3.

hal at-taSweer masmuuH?

hal at-tadkheen masmuuH?

hal ad-dukhuul masmuuH?
