Body language can be very different between cultures, and it can also be a source of misunderstandings between Arabs and Western societies.
Distance between people when talking to each other
Westerners frequently stand further away from each other, whereas Arabs literally get closer when speaking. In Western societies being too close to each other during a conversation can be interpreted as an invasion of someone’s privacy.
Physical contact between the same sex
One important thing to know when visiting an Arab country or being in contact with Arabs is that they are much more comfortable with physical contact between members of the same sex than Westerners are.
It is good to know this in advance so that you are not caught out (especially as a man) when an Arab tries to hold your hand. They see this as a sign of friendship.
Physical contact between the opposite sex
However, physical contact between members of the opposite sex is quite a different matter. Physical contact, like holding hands with a member of the opposite sex in public, can be frowned upon. In some Arab countries it is illegal to kiss if you are not married, even if neither of you are Arabs! Even a peck on the cheek when greeting a member of the opposite sex in public can get you into trouble in some Arab countries.
Sole of the shoes
And then there’s the sole of the shoe. At an international airport, it would not be unusual to see somebody sitting in the departure lounge in Europe and placing their feet on a piece of hand luggage. If an Arab person was sitting opposite, who is not familiar with Western culture, this could be interpreted as a very rude gesture. It could even be interpreted as symbolic of “you are beneath my feet”. Whereas the European was just expressing nothing more than his or her freedom by resting their feet on a suitcase.
P.S If you look at the photo above, exposing your shoulders as a woman would be another big “no no” in an Arab country. Always cover your shoulders and knees as a woman visiting an Arab country.