Cyber laws are very strict in many Arab countries.
People have to be careful how they use social media following the introduction of a strict cyber crime laws in many Arab countries. If you are travelling to an Arab country, especially a Gulf country, you should familiarise yourself with and be aware of their cyber laws.
Avoid swear words, even in private messages
We have already pointed out in other blog articles that swearing in public, insults and vulgar language, even rude hand gestures, are offences in many Arab countries. Offenders can be fined or jailed. However, few people know that these offences, even in private social media exchanges, can land you in jail.
Recently, a British woman ended up in jail in Dubai for a private WhatsApp message containing a single swear word that was sent to a housemate. The housemate reported her to the police.
When the British woman arrived at the airport for the journey home, she was informed by authorities that she couldn’t leave due to an active police case against her.
Here are some other cyber laws that could get you into serious trouble.
Do not take photos or videos of people without permission
Do not take pictures of strangers without permission and post them on social media. Photographing others without permission could lead to imprisonment or hefty fines.
Especially taking pictures of women in public without consent is “strictly frowned upon”,
Showing disrespect towards religious beliefs or practices is considered deeply offensive and very likely to result in a heavy fine or imprisonment.
Filming an incident regarding the police or government officials and posting it on YouTube could lead to arrest for sharing photos of a crime.
Respect people’s confidentiality and privacy
Sharing private details about other persons or companies without consent could also land you in prison or you could get fined.
Sharing gossip and rumours
This is another “no no”. Gossiping and sharing rumours, defamation or offending people could also see you in trouble.
Fundraising without permission
Even if you promote a worthwhile charity and collect money, you can be charged for fundraising without permission.
Using VoIPs like Skype
In some Arab countries VoIPs (voice over Internet protocol) are blocked and if you have the App on your computer or mobile you could get fined or even imprisoned for that.
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